Something happened yesterday that seriously pissed me off.. There's a shock, I'm annoyed at something again. I just realized that I spend the majority of my time being irritated. I think I need to look into yoga or something. I forgot to tell y'all about it but yesterday these guys from Switzerland came to the conference center. They were mostly nice, y'know, they took a lot of pictures and they had those weird accents but one of them said something so incredibly racist that I almost impaled him in the eye with a bread knife.
"Oh, you two are related? Well, you all look pretty similar so I couldn't tell."
Is anybody else pissed off by this?! Indians don't look alike! Our features are so varied that we're racist towards each other even though we're from the same freaking race! I nearly bit him.
I think he realized something was wrong, maybe because I was breathing kind of heavily and frothing at the mouth a bit. So he said, "I guess you can't differentiate between the Europeans either." And this made me even more angry because, incredibly, I can distinguish between Europeans.
And Jane looks like this>.jpg)
"Oh, you two are related? Well, you all look pretty similar so I couldn't tell."
Is anybody else pissed off by this?! Indians don't look alike! Our features are so varied that we're racist towards each other even though we're from the same freaking race! I nearly bit him.
I think he realized something was wrong, maybe because I was breathing kind of heavily and frothing at the mouth a bit. So he said, "I guess you can't differentiate between the Europeans either." And this made me even more angry because, incredibly, I can distinguish between Europeans.
,Bob looks like this ^
It's seriously not that hard! Look at the hair colour people!
This must be how Chinese people feel all the time. Do Indians look alike? Really?
Hey y'all how's it going? Guess what. We reached three hundred page views! That's not bad is it? Considering this blog is less than a month old? And it actually involves reading? So, I think the time has come when I can be honest with you guys. I am a grammar Nazi. Not as much of a grammar Nazi as my Dad who comments on all my posts correcting my mistakes (love you too Dad) but still one of those people who hates it when people say you're instead of your and stuff like that. Hence, I have thoughtfully compiled for you this list:
How Not To Sound Like An Idiot:
1. Please please figure out 'there', 'they're' and 'their'. They're not like some cheap sluts you can just use whenever you want.
They're: They freaking are.
Their: They freaking own something.
There: Referring to a freaking place or idea.
2. Same goes for you're and your. 'You're' is a contraction of you are. 'Your' is possessive.
You're wasting your time reading this.
3. I know this is an outdated concept, but try to understand the meaning of the words you're using. Its okay if it's only a vague idea, but having an omelette for breakfast is not ironic unless you're a chicken rights activist or something.
It was ironic that she became an English teacher, as her grammar sounded like that of a squirrel high on acid.
THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is irony.
4. I'm kind of sticking my neck out doing this, but the fourth way to not sound like an idiot is to understand 'its' and 'it's'. I actually have a lot of trouble with this so it's ironic that I'm explaining this to you guys.
It's: Contraction of 'it is' or 'it has'.
Its: Possessive.
For a more complete and way more hilarious version of this list, check here.
Also, for major LOLs, find the grammar mistakes in this post and publish them in the comments. Gloating privileges granted.
Grammar. Its attractive.
P. S. I was in my first car accident yesterday!
It's okay if it's only a vague idea, but having an omelette for breakfast is not ironic unless you're a chicken rights activist or something.
The first its needs an apostrophe too.
Love you too Joe. You write brilliantly better than Dad and Mom ever did.God bless.
oh yes and when does it's stand for it has joe :P
but good try make these two changes and it's done
love that card and that link and your sense of humour joe am very proud :D
and i was wrong - in a sentence like it's got flair - it would mean it has so you are right about it's being it is and it has and its being it belongs
only when enough white poop has been eaten does it begin to smell. :) reverse discrimination works quite well :) great writing jo and am glad your sensibility to the racist undercurrents you encountered is alive and well and yeah!! kicking in the butt or gut;&(&*(^&*^&*%&* ;oops i lost the thread...:)
joe i put your blog on my fb and got twelve likes and many comments everyone loves your writing
can cut and paste them here if you want
the comments i mean
it's tough sometimes to write in a vacuum without feedback so those encouraging remarks may help
"Carla Landis Evans, Bindu Nair Varma and 12 others like this.
Ampat Koshy ty mritunjoy
Friday at 12:13pm · Like
Ampat Koshy Bindu Nair Varma i get its and it's wrong too first time...usually :(
Friday at 12:40pm · Like · 1
Santhosh Howdekar as the father, so the kid... she's [sorry it's (it is) 'she has', i must confess it before the "Grammar Nazi" picking up an argument with me and kicking up a row!] got a FLAIR for writing like you... GOD bless her...
Friday at 12:42pm · Unlike · 1
Ampat Koshy ty santosh :)
Friday at 12:43pm · Like
Ampat Koshy ah yes it's got a flair could be it has... thanks will tell her that
Friday at 12:44pm · Like · 1
Ampat Koshy and she will be happy thanks a lot santosh :)
Friday at 12:46pm · Like · 1
Zeenath Ibrahim A chip off the old block :) Thoroughly enjoyed the write up. God bless her.
Friday at 2:59pm · Unlike · 1
Mujib M. K. Enjoyed reading the blog. The world needs more funny grammar Nazis.
Friday at 4:05pm · Unlike · 1
Ampat Koshy ty mujib
Friday at 4:06pm · Like
Prodipta Banerjee i read the one on poop and its absolutely entertaining and ..... gigggly pooo kinds .............. and i like the glasses of "poop " joe ....huggggs
Friday at 4:15pm · Unlike · 1
Ampat Koshy Joanna Sarkozy
Friday at 4:16pm · Like
Bindu Nair Varma Jo your cute style of writing! Hope to meet you one day! Blessings & hugs.....
Yesterday at 3:49am · Unlike · 1
Thanks Dad. Its nice to know my cute writing is appreciated.
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