Saturday, 31 March 2012

Happy Saturday!

OMG OMG, it's 11:47 pip emma here right now (yes I said pip emma, I'm trying to bring it back. NO, not really) which means I only have thirteen minutes to post something before it's tomorrow. Why I'm trying to do this is because I've decided to post something everyday and I would like to stick to that. It's a bit scary for me because a) I'm writing to a countdown (11:50 now!) and b) I usually take quite a long time writing my posts? So this is not going to be very well thought out or composed and if you want to stop reading now that's fine. Do whatever you want.
Hey y'all how's it going? Now before you say, oh em gee, she's such a slacker, get off the internet (11:52 aah!), I have a reason for posting this late! I came home at eleven and I was busy having a life till then ( no really. I was actually out of the house with people of my own age group. Whoo!!) so the only thing I actually have to talk about right now is the party I was at till a short time ago I guess. It was fun :) :) Detailed summary coming up as soon as I finish my daily post, so there's something to look forward to, hey? Okay, I've decided to keep writing till eleven fifty eight exactly, when I will publish this, so this is going to basically be just random rambling. Seriously, if you want to stop reading that's fine (11:55).
The only reason I actually remembered my blog is actually because I was watching charlieissocoollike on the Youtubes, it was just like one of his "stream of consciousness" videos and he said "vlog" which is when I remembered y'all. So, yes, this is his fault. Don't hate on him though, he's fantastic. Okay, 11:57 now!! Good night everybody!! Have a good rest of the weekend y'all.

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