Wednesday, 4 April 2012

25 Reasons Why I'm a Dork

This writing every day thing is starting to feel like a job now. It's not that I don't enjoy writing blog posts. I love it actually. I think I'm hilarious. I spend hours going through my blog and reading my ten entries again and again, giggling hysterically the entire time. Calm down, I was kidding, I'm not actually that creepy. It's just that working to a schedule annoys me I guess.
Hey y'all how's it going? Quick observational skills test, how many fish do you see in the tank to your right? The answer is five. There is actually a white fish in the tank, that you can see only when it swims over the other fish. Feed them and check. Mind blown!
From the title of this post, I guess its pretty obvious what I'm going to talk about. That's right! Unicorns! LOL jokes, I finally watched Sydney White today, on Youtube and in the comments, the good people of the Internets , were busy telling people who TOTALLY cared, why they were as dorky as Syd's nerdy but surprisingly endearing friends. As I have had cause to tell you before I'm extremely competitive. Hence, today's post is going to be a list of the reasons why I'm a dork. How d'yu like that Youtubers?

The Reasons (Finally):
1. I'm good at Math. You might say, that's not your fault Joe, you can't help being unfairly smart and attractive.Right, but what makes me a dork is that I ENJOY it. Especially trignometry. (Sin cos tan whoo!)
2. I am fascinated by science, especially physics. According to my parents, I used to wake them up in the mornings by hitting them on the head with those huge books on the stars and electricity and stuff and lisping terrifyingly, "I mun know." I was a cute kid y'all.
3. I have never had an actual proper boyfriend who I haven't broken up with in, like, three minutes.
4. Not only have I never had a boyfriend, I don't really intend to get one, coz most of the guys I know are either OBVIOUSLY friend zone or attractive but mind numbing-ly dull.
5. Sometimes, I tie my sweater around my waist.
6. I have long discussions with my friends about science, religion and parallel universes. I'm not even kidding about that last one. If I was in a TV serial it would be titled, "Teenagers gone wild."
7. I LOVE cricket. I idolise Sachin Tendulkar. I faint when I see non-muscular men in ugly uniforms running up and down incredibly large lawns.
8. I read all the time. Anything I can lay my hands on EXCEPT magazines like "Ridiculously Skinny Models" and "Who is THAT brain-dead celebrity dating?" 'Nuff said.
9. I don't really care whose getting divorced or whose had a tattoo removed or whose dyeing their left eyebrow a violent shade of green in Bollywood. I don't even know the names of half the actors. Same for Hollywood.
10. I cry when I watch 'Lion King'. Every. Single. Time.
11. Remember the reading thing? Not only do I read, I mostly read old people literature like P. G. Wodehouse, Jerome K. Jerome, Georgette Heyer and Agatha Christie. Also, I think Shakespeare was pretty freaking awesome. You can start hurling tomatoes at your screen now.
12. Although I've never had a proper boyfriend, my best friends both dated, at some point of time, the captains of the basketball team, making me instantly dorky by comparison.
13. I haven't watched the Hunger Games yet.
14. I am incredibly small. I would last around two minutes in a fight... with a dead person.
15. I scream and jump on chairs when people mention drinking/ smoking/ fun.
16. I have not got even a single piercing (which is really unusual in India) because my mom forbids it and because I'm too much of a wimp to do it when I'm not allowed to. I recently went with my friends (the previously mentioned ones) to get their ears pierced AGAIN. Yes, I cried.
17. I have a BLOG. Period.
18. I don't copy on tests because I think it's not ethically correct. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
19. I read the entire unabridged Lord of the Rings series when I was six years old. True story bro.
20. I want to be a politician when I grow up. That or a writer. Note the conspicuous lack of desire to be a model/ singer/ beautician.
21. I know every single detail about Harry Potter. His birthday? 31, July, 1980. His favourite dessert? Treacle tart. The person he was actually supposed to end up married to? Me!! I know things about him that even J. K. Rowling doesn't!!
22. The reason a boy invited me to his house this Valentine's day was to read the book he was writing. OUCH.
23.  I make pointless lists about nothing all the time. It's a freaking habit.
24. I call my granddad every single day. (FINE, he calls me, but I honestly truly love that we get to have at least one conversation per twenty four hours.)
25. I'm not even creative enough to think of a twenty-fifth reason. That's right. we've got a badass here.

There you have it. Twenty five irrefutable reasons why I'm a dork. Happy Wednesday!

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