It didn't rain. Again. Come on clouds, do your thing! We're not paying taxes so that you can sit around up there doing nothing! If it doesn't rain by tomorrow I'm suing the BBMP.
Hey y'all how's it going? It's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot. I love summer.
The Twenty-Five Most Common Lies of All Time (in no particular order)
1. No, silly, of course you don't look fat in that.
2. I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of Service.
3. I (name) take you (name) to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day until death do us part.
4. Of course that shirt is cute..
5. I love you.
6. Yeah, unibrows are totally back in, don't worry about it.
7. No you don't need a breath mint.
8. Yes, I showered! So what if no part of my body is wet and I smell like King Kong on an off day? I SHOWERED OKAY?
9. Yeah, I totally read your blog.
10. I love the way you leave the toilet seat up every time.
11. Yes Mum, I remembered.
12. I didn't do it.
13. I'm fine.
14. It was like that when I found it!!
15. It's not you, it's me.
16. Yeah, your hair looks awesome. Oh, you haven't combed it for three days? I would never have guessed!
17. No, no, it's completely fine that you ate the last cookie. (YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN YOU *$&*$$%#)
18. I hate Twilight.
19. If I had a lamp and three wishes I would wish for world peace, the cure to cancer and a better tomorrow. (Riiight. Cash, hotness and fame.)
Look away kids.
20. Santa Claus brought that for you.
21. The Tooth Fairy brought that for you.
Right, you can look again.
22. (applying to facebook statuses) OMG OMG BEST NIGHT EVURRRR
23. I'm eighteen! Pay no attention to the pre-puberty voice and absolute lack of facial hair!
24. I will stand by you forever (LOL jk, I need to sit down sometimes)
25. Ha. There is no twenty-fifth lie. See what I did there??
I loved this and iam not lying :)
well i tweeted it too.. just make sure that i truly like it
We all have been using these lies since time immemorial. Useful to know them! :)
A really good post.
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