Thursday, 3 October 2013

Baby Got Back

                Darlings! Sweety-hearts! Comrades! (I have become a Communist since I left y'all. See what losing you has done to me?) I'm back!
Oh, God. It's happening again.
                 Guys, it's been a year. I'm a wise, mature, seventeen year-old WOMAN now (as you can see, I'm still funny), as opposed to the un-knowledgable, uncouth youth I was when I last posted. I can't say 'Hey, y'all, how's it going?', any more. I will think of a new, more catchy greeting, but till then, let's just go with: Hello! As you might have noticed, I'm back. I have RETURNED. Ladies, ladies, calm down. Mildred, stop crying, baby. I missed you too.

                Let's make this reunion interesting. As you read the next few lines, I want you to imagine that instead of sitting at a boring computer, on your boring chair, in your boring life, you are a dark and mysterious stranger, who's just moved into a new town to escape your past. You're trying to move on but you can't help remembering the person you lost, that heartless wench who tore your heart out of your chest and danced the flamenco on it. You spend your days with your only friend, Mr. Jack Daniel. trying to forget. Suddenly, one cold afternoon in October, you hear a sound that you have both hoped for and feared. The sound of a key turning in the lock, a familiar footstep in the hallway. You turn around, half afraid, half wondering, and here I am, as though I was never gone. We leap into each other's arms and swear never to let go again.

              Wasn't that fun? Online role-playing, hell yes! Back to your chair now, we have some catching up to do.
               I'm in twelfth standard!! :O The big one-two. I am the senior-est person in my school! It's the middle of the academic year now and we've just finished our half-yearlies (more on that carnage later). Every conversation I've had lately, both inside and outside school, has started with "So, which college..?", for which I have absolutely no answer. My mum and I have nearly been getting into fist-fights over the course question recently. The real and earnest have started fourteen-hours-a-day-preparation for the entrance exams. Obviously, this is the best time possible to start blogging again.
                  The truth is, I've really missed blogging. Writing books and short stories is all peachy, but it's not nearly as therapeutic as whining about my non-interesting life to a group of random strangers. The other reason is that, frankly, I'm stagnating. At this point I am the creative equivalent of a puddle of muddy water. The last time I was in this horrible, dark place, I started blogging, and it helped. So, here's hope that it works again, and, hey, if I can entertain you guys in the process, everyone wins, right? In that interest, here's a laugh for you. My school made me a prefect last year xD

                   Oh, BAM! Just five minutes into the blog and I've made you do a spit-take already. I haven't lost ANY of It. I have so many things to tell you guys about, and I will do that, but I think we should establish the rules of this return to blogging right now, before there's a misunderstanding.
                 I'm not looking for a serious relationship, you guys. It's true, the dictionary definition of 'irresponsible' is a picture of my face, but I AM in twelfth standard. Let's think of my school work as my nagging, demanding wife and you as the Other Woman. I WILL spend time with you, but my family comes first. So, let's keep this at a minimum level of commitment. I'm just looking for some fun. I hope you understand.

                That's all for now, folks! New post SOON, I PROMISE. Lots and lots of wonderful and scary and amazing things have happened and I will tell you all about them. In the meantime, comfort yourselves with this awesome song: In advance, you're welcome.

LOOK A FOLLOW BUTTON!!! (It's been so long since I typed that :') Please direct any anger and/or sarcasm to the comments box) I will see you soon! Happy Wednesday! :)

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