#bestiefolyf: Usually seen on picture of pretty girl with other pretty girl.
What it means: Both pretty girls in the picture hate each other and spread rumours about the other's dietary habits on a regular basis.
#messyhairdon'tcare: Used on pictures of hipster-like chick looking all bed-head attractive.
What it means: The hair, in reality, does care very much indeed as it took three hours and twenty-six styling products to create. This hash tag removes the appearance of effort, because in today's world, if you had to work for it, you're not good enough.
#nomakeup: Also see, #nofilter. Seen on "natural-looking pictures", usually subject of photograph wears peaceful smile of radiant serenity and is hugging a tree.
What it means: I'm wearing buckets of make-up, but I have to make you believe I was born pretty. Does anyone else find it funny that there are these videos called 'Get the Natural Look' which are basically two-hour make up tutorials? Here's how I get the natural look- I wash my face.
#I'msuchanerdLOL: Either a girl in a shirt with a moderately decent neckline and glasses, or a girl playing some sort of video game.
By the way, guys, for your information, when girls say they like 'nerds', they mean that they like boys who look good in glasses. I know, I know, it was a disappointment to me too when I found out.
#thuglyf: Only real badasses use this hash tag. Chuck Norris and Rajnikanth and stuff. Homie be all up in the camera with his rhinestone-studded knuckle duster on one hand and his piece in the other, and you can almost hear the police sirens wailing in the background.
What it means: I consider staying up beyond my bedtime and walking on lawns that say 'Keep off the Grass' rebellion. This hashtag is inevitably the sign of a twelve year old, whether person in question is forty six or not.
Don't worry if you're guilty of any of these heinous hash tags, we all are. #happysaturday #post #whoo (UPDATE: #ohwaitit'sfriday #wellcrap)
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