Sunday, 1 February 2015

5 Ways To Handle Low Self-Confidence

1) Wear a small carton over your head at all times. If they can't see you, they can't judge you! Plastic bags (opaque) will also work. For the fashion-conscious, my next post will be entitled "Matching Your Carton To Your Clothing: Summer Edition". In fact, if it's not just your head you're a little insecure about, invest in a full length body bag for total anxiety avoidance.

2) Just don't leave the house. Ever. You will have to emerge occasionally for supplies unless your apartment is big enough to house a small-ish herd of sheep and perhaps a few vegetable patches. One of the wonderful things about life in our day and age is that supermarkets, with truly exemplary generosity, now offer to deliver groceries directly to your doorstep. Combined with a little bit of online work to supplement your income, you might never have to physically interact with those people who might think badly of you again!

3) Constantly doubt the few friends you have managed to make. Why are they hanging out with you? Because they enjoy your company? Haha, that's cute. So, why are they really hanging out with you? Is it my money? I'll give you all my money.
Let your insecurities dominate every conversation, remember everything is always about you. 
"So I met this really nice girl yesterday."

4) Find someone you think is cool and then do everything in your power to turn into them. You can't do this in half measures though. Coolness demands COMMITMENT. And sunglasses. You'll need some of  those too. Imitate everything about this person until your own unworthy identity is finally effaced from the surface of the earth in what can only be described as a service to humanity.

5) OR, if you think any/all of the methods mentioned above are a criminal waste of valuable time, learn to stop caring so much about what people think about you and start enjoying yourself! Seriously, everybody has issues with their self-esteem occasionally, confident people are the ones who've learned how to handle it and move on. As a person who struggles with this, I can tell you that the only way to get over low self-confidence is to decide that it's not really that important how you're perceived, as long as you're satisfied with the way you are.

             So, from this moment forward, it is no longer your job to make people like you. The only thing you're in charge of from right now is learning to love yourself. Go become the person you want to be! As long as that person's not a serial killer, I can guarantee that the people around you will automatically see how great you are. Also, if you have someone in your life right now who makes you feel like you're not good enough, disengage yourself from that situation. You don't need critics outside your head when you've already got so many inside. 

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