High-fives all around! Five minutes back, I was like "Oh, let me see how the blog's doing" so I casually clicked on the bookmark. THEN I saw the hits counter and my face was like that^. Only less adorable. I was so stoked (yes, I said stoked, if you people get to say stuff like "chill out, rentals", I get to say stuff like stoked), that I stopped reading 'Young Men in Spats' and sat down to write a post. BTW, you must all read P. G. Wodehouse and we must all start talking like the people in his books.
My writing has been read two thousand times! I should probably say something special now. Something well-phrased, nicely self-effacing and sweetly touching. Something that will prove to you guys that you haven't wasted your time, and together we will go big places in the future. friend's cat got electrocuted yesterday?
Hey y'all how's it going? WARNING: This post will not be a happy post. This post will have complaining, whining and even, at points, outright whinging. Things are no longer good in the magical kingdom of ISC Science. Tests have started and to make things worse,
There's more, it would horrify you how much more there is, but I'm only going to push you so far per post. Speaking of pushing people, and posts, the XI SCI classroom, as I have mentioned before, is on the top of a relatively high building (also, while we're speaking of speaking of things, they're not hawks, they're pariah kites apparently! Well, this is awkward, isn't it? The only thing to do in this situation seems to be to quote Shakespeare: A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet as a rose.) and I have recently realized the reason for this. The classroom is on the fifth floor to weed out the weak ones. The only reason I didn't hurl myself off the balcony on Wednesday, while hurling, while screaming "Screw you, Galileo! You too, Einstein!" after the first test (I use a lot of parentheses) is because I figured I would do badly in Physics and Chemistry, and well in everything else to make up for it. LOL, Joanna. Just LOL.
We had English language today and it was terrible, which was a sobering experience for me as my family consists mostly of people who have taken English as a profession and I've never had to try especially hard to be good at it before. That was before they brought in intransitive verbs of incomplete predication, of course. Good times. This is especially bad because I will be thrown out of the house if I fail in this subject. I'm not even kidding. My Dad has a doctorate in English, my Mom almost has a doctorate in English, and if you want to go really far back, skipping a few more angrezi experts in between, my great-great grandfather used to translate for the phirangis. You can see why me getting a bad grade in "Verbs and Tenses 101" might be a big deal for the pride of my family. They might even consider an honour killing.
We also had a Chem paper in the afternoon, which was a one and a half hour test and, surprisingly, not that bad. I used to hate chemistry, mainly because our last teacher wasn't very good, but I'm starting to enjoy it now, despite the fact that our current link to the mysteries of elements and Avogadro's number thinks we're three year-olds. "So, children, Uncle Haber said to the ammonia, 'Please react, ammonia, I will give you molybdenum and shredded iron-" Again, not even kidding.
That's all for now folks. Settle down children, there will be another one soon. Three tests left: Computers, Math and Shakespeare. I don't anticipate complete slaughter in any of these so next week should be less hectic. Despite the obnoxious whining, I continue to enjoy being a part of my amazing class. I'm getting closer to old friends and making new ones and basically, it's all good. Have a good week, look left and right before you cross the road, etc., etc.
P. S. Some of you may have noticed that I'm included in the Followers list. I follow myself. This is incredibly embarrassing for me, it's like I'm one of those indescribable losers who like their own status updates. For the record, I have never liked my own status in my life, except by accident, and then I immediately unliked it, while hyperventilating and worrying whether anyone noticed. The truth is, of course, that nobody looks at my status. Now I'm depressed. ANYWAY, I can't figure out how to un-follow myself. I had to tell you guys my side of the story, before you heard it from anybody else (I'm desperately hoping that I am now important enough to have critics), so please forgive me, and if anybody knows how to operate this fudging thing (fudging LOL. Swearing for three year-olds), I will be extremely glad to follow your instructions. That is all. Happy Friday!
P. P. S. I got the lead role in a play for CLADS (detailed post on CLADS later). Brofist!
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