Tuesday, 21 October 2014

A boy and a girl sat by a river
Dipping their feet in the tide
By the water's edge they dreamt in silence
As the sun slipped silently by

"Lysanna, my darling," said the boy in a while,
"The evening is turning to dark
"Put your head on my shoulder, and rest for a while
And later we will walk in the park."

And so they sat, as the moth-flowers awakened,
And the sun passed lingering by
The light grew dim, the red river faded
And Lysanna started to cry.

She wept as the swallows flew home to their nests
She wept till her eyes were dry
"Why, Lysanna, what on earth is the matter?"
"To think, one day I shall die!"

"You will die, my dear, you are flesh and grass,
And yet the stars will continue
The sun will swim in the red river's tide
Only I will pause to mourn you."

"Much good it will do me, when the worms eat my flesh
That you and the stars are faithful
I shall be earth in an earthly bed -
Asleep unknown in an unknowing cradle."

"Leave this talk of death, Lysanna, let us speak of love,
It runs high as the blood runs thick.
I will love you till the earth meets the sky -"
"You know, sometimes you make me sick."

The quiet river flowed as the moon filled the sky
The boy kissed Lysanna's drooping head
"Lysanna, my dearest, isn't it a shame-
One day we shall both be dead."

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