Sunday, 20 May 2012

I'm too sleepy to think of a title. Think of one yourselves. Wait, does this count? Talking to myself on the title of a post. SO cool. Stop freaking reading this and read the post!

Sorry, I'm cranky at two in the morning. I'm exceedingly sleep deprived. Yesterday I was sleeping on a train and we only had RAC tickets. For those of you who don't know what RAC means, it's an acronym. It stands for.... Ride on A Carriage from hell. Right. It was especially bad because my lovely mother, who is perfect in all other respects, can't book tickets online and as a result, we were stuck with four people and two tickets. That is actually not as bad as it sounds, although admittedly, it sounds pretty terrible. I had to sleep with my sister and so, clearly, I didn't. I spent half the night kicking her off my feet which she kept on trying to hug. Get off me, sibling, I am not your teddy bear. I am only a bear in the sense that I might do an annoyed grizzly and rip off your limbs if you snuggle up to my toes one more time. For someone whose really into the Beatles, I need a surprising amount of anger-management. I'm just kidding, I would never rip off anyone's limbs. Heads are so much more effective.
Hey y'all how's it going? I'm back in Bangalore!!! I am once again surrounded by people (five million of them!), buildings and garbage and, incredibly, I'm ecstatic. It's just home, y'know?
Usually my posts are about something definite and generally something no one cares about. Today I thought I'd just talk to you guys. I'm putting up a Sunday post because I forgot the Saturday one. Don't get used to this. This is going to be a bit emotional and cheesy so if you came here for snarky teenager, sorry bro.
Today I got my results and I feel like some part of my life has ended, like my existence so far is now clearly marked into two separate sections between which there are no similarities. I've finished tenth standard. I'm sixteen. I'm thinking of getting a summer job. My childhood is over. I'm freaking old.
You know how there are some things you remember so clearly from when you were a kid for no particular reason? One of those things I remember is being nine years old, in school, and telling my best friend "Hey, guess what, we'll be in eight standard one day." That was the extent of my looking forward to the future. Thirteen was the oldest I could imagine myself being. And now I'm turning sixteen in September! That's so weird.
I think that's one of the reasons I do this blog thing, other than not having a life, of course. Putting down my thoughts, my insignificant experiences and feelings, seems to me like preserving something that might have been lost forever other wise. I'm not a very important person, I'm just one Bangalorean with five million others, one Indian with another billion and one human being on a planet infested by an additional seven billion members of my species. Writing these weird, rambling posts feels like taking a little bubble of time, not in its real, true form but a downsized corrupted version,like a photograph of someone, and preserving it. When I'm sixty-four I can read this again and maybe, maybe remember a little bit of what it was like to be sixteen and an idiot (then of course I will be old and wise. Right? That's what happens right?)
Everybody has this urge, to leave some marks on the world, to prove that they were ever there. Some people do it by carving their initials into desks and some do it by shaping the futures of their generation. So this is my way of saying "JK WAS HERE 2012,"  I guess. No, I'm not just doing this 'coz I'm bored. Well, not completely because I'm bored.

Whoah, deep stuff. Introspection, y'all. It's underrated.


P. S. I got 91% for anyone who's interested. ALSO, my brilliant father is giving me this as a reward:
Be jealous, be very jealous. Have a good Sunday! xoxoxo


homelyheart said...

Haha, congrats on the camera too :D Wait, uh, pink O.o Lol! Oh how the tides have changed :P ;)

TheMaskedTeenager said...

Wow!This is your best post this far...