Wednesday 6 November 2013

When I'm Gone (Tap tap tap) You're Going To Miss Me When I'm Gone (Hopefully)

Quick update! I am going to Kerala, the land of coconuts and no internet, so there will be no posts for a very, very long time. Almost four days, in fact. I am becoming an Inconstant Blogger, but you will forgive me, because I have a funny list for you (which is actually not funny but profoundly true)

How To Annoy Your Mother Before Travelling:
1) Pack your toothbrush next to your shoes and your underwear
2) Spend your time reading 'Mill on the Floss' as the household descends into chaos.
3) Break two eggs just before we get out.
4) Finally end up not packing any underwear (This actually happened once. This time however I've made sure to take it. Wait, did I? I'd better go check again.)
5) Sit writing a blog post an hour before our train is supposed to reach the station.
6) Lose your phone charger and turn the house upside down looking for it.
7) Insist that she goes to Comm Street to buy you material for a new sari blouse, while she is packing.

Toodle-pip, cheerio, sayonara! I will show you many pictures after I come back. Goodbye!

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