Saturday 19 October 2013

Happiness Is:

1. Finding out that your mother has brought a new P. G. Wodehouse novel from the library.
2. Actually, finding out that your mother has brought any new book from the library.
3. Okay, scratch that, going to a library.
4. Basically anything to do with books.
5. Doing a math sum and seeing how it all works out in the end.
6. When your computer program works and you have no idea why.
7. Making something beautiful.
8. Seeing someone you love unexpectedly.
9. A tickle fight with your siblings.
10. A card game with your cousins.
11. Wearing a new dress.
12. Buying flowers for someone else.
13. Hearing your lady jam on the radio.
14. Smiling at random people on the street.
15. Dancing naked through your house when no one else is around.
16. Trying hard.
17. Flirty conversations with attractive people.
18. Hearing the words 'I love you' from your autistic brother.
19. Calling your grandfather to talk about cricket.
20. Actually related to none of these things. Happiness is a conscious decision that comes from knowing that I am a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe, a part of everything and of everything a part. Happiness is a love of the world, of people and of the Beatles. Consequently, happiness is to love yourself.

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