Sunday 20 October 2013

October 20th Resolutions!

             New blog layout! Do you like the sparkles? I like the sparkles. I went to Shishu Bhavan today, which is an orphanage run by the 'Little Sisters of the Poor', I think. Either that or the 'Sisters of Charity'. It was a sobering experience, especially because most of the kids in the orphanage are either mentally or physically challenged children who have been abandoned by their parents. They really want to be loved- I had so many kids come and sit on my lap or grab my nose (which presents an easy target) and it taught me not to take all the things that I've been so freely given for granted.

My resolutions for the new year: (I know it's not January the first, but it's never too late to make a new start! So, this is it. My new start)
1. Be a better Christian.
2. Study as much as I need to.
3. Be more consistent with my music.
4. Drink more water and lose some of my superfluous cellulite (I'm hoping that that sounds better than just plain, insulting 'fat')
5. Spend more time thinking beautiful thoughts.
6. Just generally be a good and kind person.

Have a good Sunday! I am, so I hope you are too. School starts tomorrow >.< I need to step up my game, my slacking off is getting scary now. I hope that, in your respective corners of the world, you are having a good time, secure in the knowledge that there is an extremely short girl in India who is probably screwing up more than you are. Peace and love!

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