Friday 11 October 2013

The Sun will come oouuuttt..... Tomorrow!

                   Hello, person who is probably supposed to be doing other work but is reading this blog instead! Welcome to the internet and it's procrastinating ways! To ensure that you are really on the path that leads directly to hell, check out the following websites also: Youtube, mangareader, and Facebook.
                    Life is made up of smiles, sniffles and sobs, with sniffles predominating. I believe that this is O. Henry's quote from his wonderful story 'The Gift of the Magi'. If it's not, feel free to snigger at my horrendous mistake and assume an air of smug all-knowingness. Treat yourself to a cupcake for being so clever.
                   I didn't really agree with this quote two years ago. Life seemed to me (then young and innocent) a vale of sunshine, with each second disclosing some fresh delight. If you've heard 'The Good Life' by One Republic, that was basically the way I felt back then. However, I am no longer of that opinion.
                  The truth is that life is hard, and then you die. Anything else is just a bonus, a little extra to keep us going in the vague belief that it's all somewhat worthwhile. This could be a post about all the sniffles in my life, but it's not going to be. Everybody has sniffles, and mine are nothing special. 
                   Something that I learnt from my Mum, is that we can't depend on our circumstances to make us happy. Sad things and hard things and sometimes downright unfair things happen to everybody- but happiness has to come from inside, and by inside I mean chocolate. So, I thought I would make this list for you, in the hope that it will be enjoyable and instructive.

Things I Do When I'm Sad:
1. Read a good book: And by good book, I mean P. G. Wodehouse. Books are comforters and friends- the voices of interesting, clever, funny people bringing you brilliant ideas without any of the trouble of having to think yourself. I haven't experienced all the pleasures in life yet, but I tentatively believe that there is none greater than a good book. Especially P. G. Wodehouse.

2. Play the piano: I learn classical piano, so it's not just uneducated hammering of the ivories that I do (typical classical student snobbishness), and there's actually a lot to keep in mind while I play- lifts and slurs and finger numbers and such. This is usually a good distraction, and of course, more than that, there's the joy of making music. If it can really be called that. In the words of Questionable Content: "My guitar doesn't gently weep- it screeches profanity." 

3. Get some sugar in me: This doesn't generally lead to long term happiness, but a good rush of glucose through the blood vessels does tend to make one chipper.

4, Imagine: my tragic death and how sorry all the people who were mean to me would feel gazing on my pale, still body. Childish? Yes. Comforting? Hell yes.

5. Rant: Keeping your problems crammed inside your festering frame will only lead to indigestion and cellulite. Express yourself. Speaking as a speaking person, it really helps.

And that's what I do "when the dog barks, when the bee stings" What are your misery-handling methods? Tell me! I like stealing good ideas. Aunts and cousins and things are coming over tomorrow, leading me to the sobering reflection that there are two things you cannot escape in this life: the love of God, and your mallu relatives. But it's okay, because I love them very much! I hope you are having an excellent Friday.


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