Tuesday 14 January 2014

Strawberries, Cherries and Angel-Kissing Springs (This post is actually about none of those things, I just like the song)

Man. I'm getting sappier as I get older. Either that or PMS. Time to write a cutting, sarcastic article to restore my cool, hard image (you guys think I'm cool and hard, right? Moderately tough, at least? Not entirely a sissy? Well, bullfrogs to you too). Let's catch up- how have y'all been doing?

I bought a lovely black skirt today! It's just the right length- somewhere between slutty and prudish so that I look nice and my mum doesn't hide it in the wash and pretend she hasn't seen it. I also bought a red sequinned top with gold chains for straps that makes me feel like part of a rapper's ensemble (picture a short Malayalee girl wearing a shiny shirt, looking in the mirror going "you're so gangsta!". If that doesn't make you laugh, you've been dead for sometime.). It's a good feeling, so I'm happy. You know you're in a bad part of your life when sequins make you happy.
(Excuse the sudden return to sappiness, but I was thinking as I was buying the shirt that once you start on this whole materialism thing, there's no end to it. Because even as I was spending way too much money on something that I didn't really need- I was wondering whether I could get the other Pink Floyd t-shirt I liked too. My sequinned, sparkling top didn't satiate- it only stirred up. The whole buying happiness thing is just going to continue until I'm suffocating under a pile of shirts and moustache necklaces. I got the shirt anyway though.)

My very, very nice friend bought me a super cute headband recently. There's been this trend of BEAUTIFUL hair accessories lately, and I just love all of them. My definite favourites have to be the bow and flower accessories though- they're so PRETTY.

Nice, yes? Unfortunately, these are uber expensive in India. Speaking of expensive, I found a MAGICAL Chinese wholesale website recently. I've always wondered where the East Asians in Bangalore get their clothes from, because they're always so perfectly dressed, and the answer they give me is always 'my hometown', while is EXTREMELY HELPFUL. Then I found this Chinese wholesale site and I got my answer.
The most gorgeous dresses ever, hordes and hordes of styles, and all priced at, like, two hundred rupees each. I was so excited. I added like fifty of them to the shopping cart and went to checkout, only to find that the shipping charges would have been around twenty dollars, minimum.
Still, now I have a goal in my previously direction-less life. Go to China, buy China, come back. Here is the website link, in case you would like to look at some nice clothes for a while (this is how the internet keeps me from being productive): 
Never mind, can't find it. Which leads me to the question- did it ever happen? Was it all a dream? If it was, I have a strangely masochistic subconscious.

I was planning a proper post, but I'm too tired to write anymore. It's eleven eleven right now, make a wish! Although it probably won't be the same time when you read this. It doesn't matter, because I am crystallizing the magicosity of eleven eleven for you so that whatever time you're reading this, your wish is still valid. I retain a touching and mostly unjustified faith in wishes.

Models are over except for two practical papers. I can start studying for the board exams now, yay! Oh, lord, when am I going to get a life. Also, I have decided for the moment what I want to do for the rest of my life- or at least what course I want to take. Pure science, to be precise, theoretical physics! And maybe maths too, if I can manage it. Fingers crossed, I'll get into IISc or IISER, otherwise I might take a gap year, although , according to all my teachers, that way is a slippery and shame-filled slope to utter destruction.

 I hope you are having a good 2014 so far! Make stupid mistakes, sing loudly and laugh a lot. Even if it doesn't work, at least you'll have spent your time enjoyably. Take care, minna-san!

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