Sunday 6 October 2013

Some Deep Ish

               Hello, friends. How was your day? Good? Okay, awesome. Back to more important things.I had some interesting experiences today.
                I attended an orthodox church service in the morning, one of three orthodox services I have attended in my lifetime. The church was nice to look at- one hundred and fifty years old, British architecture complete with stained glass windows, lights hanging from the ceiling, and pretty, carved wood all over the place. The music was pretty eh, but some hidden, unappreciated organist was playing the pipe organ in a somewhat angelic fashion. The pipe organ itself was kept in a shut up room, into which we caught only brief glimpses, which made me wonder what they were trying to hide. Perhaps funds had run out sometime in the past and they'd been forced to sell their instrument, and replace it with some pre-taped records of hymns and a CD player? The Pastor went into the room once or twice, I don't know why. "Nice work on 'He Leadeth Me,' Bill. Can you work in some dramatic chords when I talk about hellfire and stuff in the message?" I wonder how rich or famous I have to become before I can get hold of a pipe organ to play.

           The part of the service that interested me the most was when the peace of God was handed around the room. These men walked down the aisle and handed it to the people on the edges of the pews. I was pretty gratified when I got it, I thought it was the collection box at first, but it turned out that I wasn't allowed to keep it and I had to pass it to the person next to me. Also, I'd forgotten to take an offering and got stared at severely by a church official, which left me feeling a lot as though 'I am a worm and no man'. The message was good, and the Bible verses that were chosen for the day's reading had the same effect on me that Bible verses always do, leading me to the conclusion that God is found everywhere, including a traditional church.

           After this I went home and slept, while my mother tried to call me desperately, a fact that I was completely oblivious of, although I was sleeping on top of my phone. Neither hail nor hellfire can wake me up when I start sleeping- and I have a broken down door to prove it. It was my favourite cousin's birthday today, he's one of those people who like lots and lots of peace and quiet, so all of us went to his house and raised Cain to celebrate the fact that he is now nineteen. Michael, (that's his name, Michael), is also a poet and a writer, and he's published a book!- which makes me both jealous and proud. It's full of good poetry- contact me for further details.

            Recently, I've been feeling the emptiness and vanity of life a lot, which has led me to embark on a mostly fruitless search for The Truth, a magical quantity that I believe will eventually lead me to peace. This was one of the reasons why I attended the church service in the morning, and it was on my mind when I read 'Siddartha' by Herman Hesse this evening. I didn't find what I was looking for in either of these places- but I did learn a few things. To a mind that is quiet, anything can serve as a medium for realization, and God exists in each one of us and everything. Whether we are God, or whether we see only glimpses into divinity, I have no idea, but I hope I can find out. Most of all, I hope that there is something greater than ourselves that exists in this universe- because otherwise this is an unbearably pointless existence.

        On that somber note, peace out, suckers! I know I promised you a different post, and you will get it, honour of a Koshy, but I'm in a philosophical sort of mood today, which my Mum describes as a state of 'mouth-looking' (it translates weirdly from Malayalam). I hope you had a good day, and I hope all of your individual quests for happiness are prospering. May the force be with you all.


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